Wednesday, May 17, 2006

welcome to my life. its so fucked up that no one can do anything to help me... there are so many things that happened this week alone. the student council thingy, besides that, obs shit. so @$#%ing... i can't stand it no more. i have reached my maximum tolerance level. i though, after joining the council, my life would start to settle in and not much things would happen, its not happening at all though. then, camps start smacking into my face. the 3rd and 4th june camp. and obs camp. some times i wonder if this is junior college.
The 3rd and 4th june camp which is on a saturday and sunday. on sunday, i have sunday school and i teach the primary 5 children buddhism after that i have graduate buddhism classes from 2pm to 4pm. I went to see the teacher in charge of the camp. he said that it was compulsory for student leaders and stuff. does he understand that i have sunday school on sunday itself? yes, he says he what extent? i bet he understands nothing. what is more important than family and religion? NOTHING!!! FUCK! he knows nothing. he tells me if i can get a replacement for myself for sunday school...the answer is like right in front of him. its so obvious that the answer is NO. fuck shit. i give priority to sunday school. its important. furthermore, if i go for the camp, i still have extra lessons the next day. its like so fucking long. i cannot take it. computing takes up 20 hours itself. does he know that i have extra lessons on that day too? does he know that teachers will give homework and stuff for us to do? It is a basic fact that student leaders need to have good time management and be responsible. but, the real thing is, after the camp, i have to go home which takes at least 1 hour. by the time i reach home its 7.30pm. so dammit late. talk about time management when there is not even enough time to manage. i told the teacher that, if i could come for the saturday session and not come for the sunday session. he totally disagreed. i asked him if i could pay half the amount for the camp since i only go for one day? he said no, even if i go for one day, i still will have the pay the fucking full amount

what the helll....

this is to be continued.....this is only the starting of my agitation and pent up feelings which i just can't say out. to think that there is freedom of speech. fuck off man...
